> London Church Celebrates Pentecost

London Church Celebrates Pentecost

London Immanuel Church celebrated Pentecost during the weekend. On Saturday, members gathered during the morning and had Bible study where they could learn about the names and works of the Holy Spirit, our need to love and seek the Holy Spirit, and how to become people where the Holy Spirit can descend and dwell.

Afterward, there was time for prayer. Members experienced the comfort, healing and strengthening of the Holy Spirit as they prayed to God, for each other and for Pilgrim Hall.

On Pentecost day, members gathered for prayer and Sunday Service and heard from P. Andrew a message taken from Acts 2. The day of Pentecost opened the era of the Holy Spirit that was made possible through the sacrifice of the son of God on the cross, finishing the work that his heavenly Father had entrusted him.

Jesus had guides his disciples to stay in Jerusalem until the promised Holy Spirit to come and empower them. In the Bible, we can see the image of the disciples before and after the day of Pentecost – in the gospels and in the book of Acts.

We also have this image as the disciples. We are also very weak like Peter, full of doubts, insufficiencies, lack of understanding. What we need is to seek is the Holy Spirit. Looking at Peter we should have hope towards ourselves. Despite our past image and failures, we can be changed like Peter by the power of the Holy Spirit. The power that comes down and breaks all barriers between men and allows to them to become one in the same Spirit.

Alongside adults activities, children also enjoyed Pentecost activities Saturday, and Sunday school, and enjoyed food and fellowship altogether. London members wish to live now resembling the people of the Holy Spirit in Acts advancing God’s Kingdom and proclaiming boldly the good news of the gospel till the ends of the world and the ends of the age.